roll your own multiple select listbox

with a standard html select box, you can select multiple options if the “multiple” attribute is set, but you’ve got to hold down the appropriate modifier key (ctrl on windows) in order to do so. standard html select box dill…

photos in cobra beer calendar

got an email from someone today asking to use two of my photos (one from outward bound, the other from pilot mountain) in a calendar for the indian beer cobra, available in the UK. sweet! the calendars are going to…

disorienting blog experience

so i go back to boingboing which i’d opened in a tab (in firefox) earlier, reload the page, and start reading, like ya do. there’s this interesting post about the world’s largest book, which i send to the SILS students…

proud father of a new baby

name X23 T42 processor Pentium III-M 866MHz512KB L2 Cache, 133MHz FSB Pentium M 745 1.8GHz2MB L2 Cache, 400MHz FSB memory 256MB 1024MB hard drive 30GB 60GB screen 1024×768 (12″) 1400×1050 (14″) video integrated 64MB ATI Radeon 9600 networking 10/100 ethernet/802.11b…

rediscovering making art

i got the coolest present from my parents this christmas, a wacom drawing tablet, but i haven’t had a chance to play with it until this afternoon because i was waiting for my new baby to arrive (see previous post).…

stories from the weekend

thursday got to happy hour pretty late, which enabled us to stay longer, closing down karaoke (it seemed) before heading home after 1am. which was interesting in and of itself, as i drove my car over and almost into the…

grocery shopping project

i became an owner of weaver street back when i was applying for in-state residency for tuition purposes. nowadays i find myself frequently surfing the web at the cafe and listening to music on the lawn, and occasionally i’ll buy…

dynamic blogroll

i’ve alluded to it several times, but for the past two weeks i’ve been working on a blogroll plugin for wordpress that sorts blogs from the most recently updated to the least recently updated. sounds simple enough, right? i started…

Internet Explorer all displaying job listings from…

excerpt from one of the sweetest achewood’s ever: story line starts here with ray discovering the blue toilet bowl cleaner he left in the toilet the night before. but you also have to know that roast beef used to be…

arcade fire!

just got back from the arcade fire show. started the night out at reservoir, the new bar where go! studios used to be. in fact the bar is where the stage once was. they’ve got a single red pool table,…

how to upgrade php on debian

after making and eating chili with jane, i came back to my place on the way to catch the tail end of a poker game, only to discover it had been postponed due to the wintry mix. so it’s around…

activerecords and closures and ruby, oh my

stumbled onto ruby on rails the other day–but i can’t retrace how (yet). which led me to some o’reilly article on ruby on rails that like everybody (err, every programmer) in the blogosphere seems to be simultaneously linking to. and…