IP address incident

there is one major weakness of hosting a webserver on a dhcp network: your IP address could change at any time. sometime last night after 10pm my cable modem was given a new IP address. which means anyone trying to…

$895 of PAIN

last night when i finished checking my email, i slid my new laptop under the bed to prevent anything falling or stepping on it. i then proceeded to lean across my bed to plug the alarm clock back in (the…

towards a philosophy of life

it’s hard to know exactly when something starts. sometimes i can look back and say that because i did this one thing or had this one thought, my life to this point has been different. like identifying a fork in…

rethinking the reality-based community

back in october this journalist/author, ron suskind, quotes someone from the bush administration as basically dissing reality: The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that…

a night of mod_rewrite

i spent the majority of my night (hours, literally) trying to get urls in my editplus wiki that had looked like this: http://www.editplus.info/index.php/Main_Page to look like this: http://www.editplus.info/Main_Page which required digging into apache’s complex mod_rewrite module and plodding through some…

good morning from the triangle bloggercon

anton zuiker, opening the triangle bloggercon with a vanuatu tamtam Building a Community Around Your Blog ben macneil of trixieupdate.com talks about rewards, via the tpod sid stafford talks about enabling the long tail ed cone talks about networking via…

post-bloggercon reflections

i preferred the beginning, where a selected trio of local bloggers discussed the community aspects of their blogs. listening to ben macneil talk about the uberpopular trixieupdate and rewarding users with regular photos was cool. it would have been nice…

replacing a laptop lcd screen

To recap the saga from $895 of PAIN: after doing some research into the guts of my laptop, i discovered LCDS 4 LESS had the screen for my laptop at a much reduced though still painful cost of $495. they…

custom referrer tracking

i just finished working on a neat referrer tracking page that displays which pages people are visiting on my site–and from whence they came, even decoding the keywords of search engine queries. check it out! how does referrer tracking work?…

blogging and journalism are the same thing

actually i know nothing about journalism (except that wikipedia page i just linked to). but as i was washing my hands in the bathroom thinking over the second half of the blogging conference, i wish there had been a session…

the rules of blogging

back in the day, jason, jean, marianne and i would discuss what we thought were the “rules of blogging.” then we’d poke fun at ourselves and others for breaking them. as a result of talking about these rules, i sometimes…

journalism as a conversation

if we see blogs in terms of conversations (a much overhyped metaphor as of late) what are the implications for journalism, now undergoing a transformation at the hands of bloggers? not only does blogging enable subject matter experts to bypass…

a vision of the future of mass media journalism

blogs will be the first place that news breaks, and the only place to go for serious, insightful reporting. local newspapers will be replaced with loose networks of local blogs. national newspapers will be driven to extinction by algorithms (e.g.…

html generator

today i wrote a stripped down html generator (in php, of course). there’s got a be a jazzier word than generator. you know something that’s the opposite of a parser. something that models and spits out a tree. it has…

what it means to dis blogging

Dissing blogging is like dissing communication. Making fun of blogs is like laughing at the masses and denying them their first amendment rights. Blogs are inherently an expression of free speech. They represent the use of technology to proliferate information,…

xmlhttprequest will change the web

i’ve been up to a lot of reading and thinking and not much doing. xmlhttprequest is, since google suggest came out in the fall, about the hottest thing since sliced bread. i love reading people’s blogs saying, “why the fuss,…