Not an iPhone

I’m usually awake a little bit later than Stephanie (case in point), time I spend reading online, blogging, winding down, etc. This is all possible (in bed and in the dark) thanks to the perfectly minimal illumination of a single…

If I were a character in The Simpson’s

And don’t forget me as a Southpark character. I love these things. You can make your own here. You know you want to. And the best part is, they’ll actually export it to a jpeg for you! Nice touch. Via…

Sounds like Pétanque

Not only did we see a dance show and a movie last weekend, we also spent most of Sunday in Golden Gate park playing Pétanque on the 100th anniversary of the game. Before I met Stephanie (well, Stephanie’s dad) I’d…

How to fix Eye of Gnome’s photo orientation in Ubuntu Feisty

After upgrading to Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, I discovered that Eye of Gnome (v2.18.1) no longer displayed vertical photos imported with Edgy Eft (or before) vertically. This seriously cramped my photo-reviewing style. Curiously, Nautilus didn’t break a sweat: Taking a look…

Illuminated fog

Panorama of San Francisco taken from Treasure Island


IKEA steal of the day: the SODA carafe (aka decanter) with funnel and filter. Handmade for only $15! I couldn’t resist picking up a cheap Cabernet-Shiraz blend at Target to test it out. Ikea and Target in the same day?!…

DIY portable chilled water

Brita On Tap Filtration System, $30 Rubbermaid 2.25qt covered pitcher, $3.41 Nalgene 16oz HDPE Narrow-Mouth bottle, $5 Total initial investment: $38.41. Yearly filter cost: ~$60. Drinking guilt-free bottled water: priceless. So recently I read on Boing Boing: There have been…

How to prevent dropped ssh connections

In honor of Ken Snider (sysadmin at FM, though more famously the much lauded sysadmin for Boing Boing), who told me how to do this. One of the biggest annoyances I experienced after moving over to Ubuntu was having my…

Small is sexy (and smart)

I’ve been seeing this cute new car around town. Turns out it’s the Toyota Yaris Liftback, appropriately named because it looks like it was just lifted straight outta Europe. It’s really small, which is always a boon in the city.…

Thinking ahead (about real estate)

A 10% down-payment on a $500,000, 2 bedroom condo is $50,000. Saving that much would require putting away $1041 a month for 4 years. 4 years away feels like a very long time. But in 4 years I’ll only be…

Collectible thumbnail icons

Seeing this on my desktop makes me immeasurably happy: Graphic from Small is sexy (and Smart) It’s kind of like a Matchbox car. For grownups. Maybe I should make some more.

Looking at The Hayes

So we got this flyer in the mail advertising something called “The Hayes.” Turns out it’s a new complex going up at Page and Gough, which is strange because it’s actually a few blocks south of Hayes. The front of…

Tomorrow I’ll be in North Carolina for one day only

Tonight I’m flying to North Carolina with Stephanie to attend the wedding of friends Abe and Kathleen in Carrboro on Saturday night. We’ll be flying home Sunday afternoon. I think this is probably the craziest, shortest trip I’ve ever taken.…

UNC, lookin’ good

Common knowledge to those of you in Chapel Hill, but for everyone else, here are three glimpses of Carolina. On Saturday Stephanie and I walked through campus after lunch with Christy and Patrick. We started at the post office and…

Abe and Kathleen got married

Here’s Kathleen and Abe all gussied up for their wedding. Beforehand we met up with Christy and Patrick for a little caffeine to ensure we’d make it through the night. This is actually the best picture of me and Stephanie…

The obligatory plate of North Carolina barbecue

For lunch on Sunday, Christy and Patrick agreed (without much arm-twisting) to accompany us out to a very important meal: North Carolina barbecue. It was looking a little hairy for a moment when I discovered that my first choice, the…

To be wired or not to be wired

Joy and Kyle contemplating a road trip: But here’s the thing: We plan to be completely wired the entire time. As long as there will be cell phone coverage, we will be on the Internet and e-mail. We may even…

This is what happens when your co-worker orders miracle fruit

Miracle fruit is a small red berry that masks the sour taste buds, making lemons and limes taste sweet like candy. Andre ordered a bunch online and so we pulled together a collection of the bitterest and sourest foods we…

Vespa road trip, uh-huh

Yesterday Stephanie and I took our first Vespa road trip. We headed further up 101 than either of us had been before (on Vespas), getting off on CA-1 towards Stinson Beach. Though we’d planned on spending time at Stinson, we…

I’d like my midlife crisis now, thank you

Screw down payments, this is one hot car. I saw one in Sausalito, you know, by the Maseratis. A little unpractical at $40k, I suppose. FWIW, it’s 161.9 inches long, putting it between the Hyundai Accent and the VW GTI,…