On writing about feelings (or how to avoid writing about being in a foul mood)

I don’t usually write about how I feel. Emotions are hard to write about. Even good writers do a poor job of writing about them because they don’t readily adapt themselves to translation. Because of this, feelings respresented by words…

Movable Type breaks permalinks (and they know it)

In the blogosphere (and on the web) permalinks are sacred. Every broken link is like a demerit against your credibility. Even more so with syndication. So I spent my day trying to figure out why Movable Type 3.2 occasionally appends…


It all started in Santa Fe. What really captured my imagination was this exhibit on printing presses and local boutique printers in the area. Apparently Santa Fe has quite a tradition of printing, but I got so wrapped up in…

How to beat a speeding ticket in Sebastopol

Back in October I was leaving Dawn’s house and heading home through Sebastopol when I was pulled over. For speeding. Two things about this were infuriating. Anyone who spends any time in Sebastopol knows the town is a big speed…

Reclaiming obsolete technology for art

I was struck by two opposing thoughts during my letterpress class. The first was, if this was my job, to manually set type, I’d go crazy scheming for a more efficient solution—something not unlike the combination of word processing software…

The CSS line-height property can accept unitless values

Remember how I was angsting about increasing the line-height on our articles, but worrying about affecting all our style? Well, this doesn’t exactly fix that, I’d still just want to affect article content, but it’s related. Eric Meyer: The property…

The indomitable Mt. St. Helena

Hiked up Mt. St. Helena in Robert Louis Stevenson State Park with Marcia and Leona yesterday afternoon. It’s a 5 mile hike to the top, the first time I went with Christy and Marcus we made it to the south…

Renga and Jenner

I wanted to get out today. I wasn’t sure where, so I pulled out a map and decided to head towards Jenner, where the Russian River meets the Pacific. I took Guerneville road west, went through Graton and all the…

Norcal speak 101

Goli sez: “You don’t gotta lie to kick it” This post first appeared on From the Belly of the Beasts, a weblog from some of the people who build O’Reilly websites.

Pinnacles National Monument

On Sunday Stephanie and I decided to take advantage of the long weekend and drive down to Pinnacles National Monument. This meant waking up early—a difficult task for the both of us—which we almost accomplished, leaving Santa Rosa around 12:30pm.…

An alternative garnish for Mexican beer

We hiked Pinnacles National Monument until we’d squeezed every last drop out of the sun, even going a little ways up the Juniper Canyon trail towards the High Peaks. Then we needed food. Preferably not the fast variety. Judging by…

Point Lobos State Reserve

We woke up in Salinas on Monday, and I walked out of the hotel room to a sight I had not entirely expected. Rows and rows of tilled dirt. Reminded me of the first morning I woke up in Africa,…

Blood Orange Juice

When I haven’t gone grocery shopping in a while, I tend to stop at Andy’s Market in the morning to pick up a piece of fruit for breakfast. Recently they’ve had blood oranges, and there’s usually have one cut open,…

Inspiration for a painting

Travis Smith used one of the photos from my Pilot Mountain photos as inspiration for a painting. Here’s the original: Old car found hiking in woods