Hooray, ae gets to see Dean in Durham #
I don’t usually write about how I feel. Emotions are hard to write about. Even good writers do a poor job of writing about them because they don’t readily adapt themselves to translation. Because of this, feelings respresented by words…
In the blogosphere (and on the web) permalinks are sacred. Every broken link is like a demerit against your credibility. Even more so with syndication. So I spent my day trying to figure out why Movable Type 3.2 occasionally appends…
It all started in Santa Fe. What really captured my imagination was this exhibit on printing presses and local boutique printers in the area. Apparently Santa Fe has quite a tradition of printing, but I got so wrapped up in…
Back in October I was leaving Dawn’s house and heading home through Sebastopol when I was pulled over. For speeding. Two things about this were infuriating. Anyone who spends any time in Sebastopol knows the town is a big speed…
I was struck by two opposing thoughts during my letterpress class. The first was, if this was my job, to manually set type, I’d go crazy scheming for a more efficient solution—something not unlike the combination of word processing software…
Remember how I was angsting about increasing the line-height on our articles, but worrying about affecting all our style? Well, this doesn’t exactly fix that, I’d still just want to affect article content, but it’s related. Eric Meyer: The property…
Hiked up Mt. St. Helena in Robert Louis Stevenson State Park with Marcia and Leona yesterday afternoon. It’s a 5 mile hike to the top, the first time I went with Christy and Marcus we made it to the south…
I wanted to get out today. I wasn’t sure where, so I pulled out a map and decided to head towards Jenner, where the Russian River meets the Pacific. I took Guerneville road west, went through Graton and all the…
Goli sez: “You don’t gotta lie to kick it” This post first appeared on From the Belly of the Beasts, a weblog from some of the people who build O’Reilly websites.
On Sunday Stephanie and I decided to take advantage of the long weekend and drive down to Pinnacles National Monument. This meant waking up early—a difficult task for the both of us—which we almost accomplished, leaving Santa Rosa around 12:30pm.…
We hiked Pinnacles National Monument until we’d squeezed every last drop out of the sun, even going a little ways up the Juniper Canyon trail towards the High Peaks. Then we needed food. Preferably not the fast variety. Judging by…
We woke up in Salinas on Monday, and I walked out of the hotel room to a sight I had not entirely expected. Rows and rows of tilled dirt. Reminded me of the first morning I woke up in Africa,…
When I haven’t gone grocery shopping in a while, I tend to stop at Andy’s Market in the morning to pick up a piece of fruit for breakfast. Recently they’ve had blood oranges, and there’s usually have one cut open,…
Travis Smith used one of the photos from my Pilot Mountain photos as inspiration for a painting. Here’s the original: Old car found hiking in woods
Hooray, ae gets to see Dean in Durham #
To think about: Ruby on Right speech (one of the steps on the Eight-fold Path in Buddhism) #
Life philosophizing, from the staff of the Onion:
“Most of us don’t have a background in anything at all, to be honest. We were just punching the clock, working cash registers, and all of this happened to us accidentally.”
He thought for a second. “I guess the lesson is, if your life is going nowhere, don’t try, and it’ll all work out.”
These are so cool: The Lego Suicides #
Another perspective on life philosophies: Retirement forces you to stop thinking that it is your job that holds you back. For most people the depressing truth is that they aren’t that organized, disciplined, or motivated. #
On time management: don’t read the newspaper or email in the morning because it will scramble your brain with lots of disconnected ideas and you won’t be able to accomplish any serious work for the rest of the day (ibid) #
Upgraded to WordPress 2.0.1 tonight. That was easy. #
Ha! the captain invited me below deck to show me some wood (Christy you’re going to need to go back and take a picture for me.) #
For future reference: TidyGUI, a Windows GUI Version of HTML Tidy #
Quote of the day: I think it’s great that people have soap. I’m a big supporter of soap. (Is today April 1st or something?) #
Recently seen on newstands (in Northern California!): Y’all: The Magazine of Southern People
Today I figured out why Movable Type breaks permalinks #
You have got to be kidding me: For NSA photo opp prop, Feds use security portal as if top-sekrit #
Quote of the day, from Joy: It was like a cold, slimy, dead frog that was also shaped like a pony. Naturally, it had to be destroyed. (go here for some pictures of me [and Stephanie] from Superbowl Sunday) #
More pictures with me in them from Sunday, including this gem:
Cool: Debbie had the idea that it would be useful to have a reference work suggesting which book of an unfamiliar author would be best to read first. Start reading an author with a poor or atypical example of his work, she observed, and you would likely never read that writer again—perhaps losing in the process a world of pleasure and knowledge. #
Firefox extensions worth considering: Extend Firefox Contest Finalists #
To read later: Ben Goodger on Where Did Firefox Come From? #
Unsettling quote of the day: It’s beautiful, untouched, unpopulated forest; there’s no evidence of human impact or presence up in these mountains until now. (via Joy) #
Welcome to the 21 century: new oreilly.com site design “launches” #
Book to think about reading: The House of Paper #
Woo! I made Make: MAKE: Blog: Letterpress Printing (Disclosure, I work for O’Reilly Media, Inc., which owns Make) #
Cool pics! Maverick’s Surf Contest #
I hope this is good: Nacho Libre (from the director of Napoleon Dynamite) #
I love movies that actually attempt to capture something real: Film Geek #
I like the background in this photo: Shannyn Sossamon (I just watched The Rules of Attraction. Hmm. I need to sleep. I feel like I’m in college.) #
How to make a Tilt-Shift Lens #
I feel ya girl: It’s a pretty freaky feeling, really, this being weighed down by my possessions. I have always valued my portability. I even went through a Spartan phase where I lived with no furniture. Now…I own things like a washing machine and a bread maker…But I don’t like what owning these things say in the societal sense. I don’t like their provincial solidness. #
Yes! Trust People and They’ll Surprise You (Jeremy Zawodny on Engines of Democracy) #
I’m not sure how I’ve managed to avoid trolls on Justinsomnia, but something suggests to me that the Troll cap icon would be perceived more as a badge of honor, rather than a deterrent. Setting
on a div
around a troll’s comment might be more effective. #
Just stumbled upon this: Screenshots from Windows 1.01 Cool! #
Seven, the new club that just opened a block away from my apartment, apparently has a pair of liquid nitrogen tanks can drop the temperature on the dance floor by about 30 degrees in seconds #
Band name of the day: Test Icicles and in second place, The Dead Kenny G’s #
New term: Doorway page, a web page that is created to rank high in search engine results for particular phrases with the purpose of sending you to a different page. #
Dad takes a Buddhist turn, shaves head, prepares for Austin Marathon. Go Dad! #
Interesting digital photo technique: HDR (combining different exposures of the same scene to produce a single image)
Here’s the obligatory HDR flickr photo pool (via Boingboing)
Sure would be nice to have HDR processing in camera! #
OH MY GOD! Darth Cheney shoots man #
Aaron Burr, I was right! Dick Cheney made history as the second vice president to fire a gun at someone — though accidentally in this case — while in office…with only Aaron Burr as a precedent #
and of course they have a blog! sfcompact.blogspot.com #
For future reference: Yahoo! UI and Design Patterns Released #
So neat! Web Authoring Statistics from Google (requires SVG-enabled browser, aka Firefox 1.5) #
vday at white castle #
This is very funny: Weekly Grocery Lists for Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist, Summer 1962 (I’m surprised it didn’t come from McSweeny’s) #
Another recommendation for burgers at Taylor’s Refresher in St. Helena (I’m so there) #
Thing I’ve never heard of: DailyCandy
…a free daily e-mail newsletter and website, is the ultimate insider’s guide to what’s hot, new, and undiscovered — from fashion and style to gadgets and travel. As useful as it is entertaining, it’s like getting an e-mail from your clever, unpredictable, and totally in-the-know best friend.
Hmm. How very “Web −2.0”. #
Everything needs a pretty logo, even programming languages: PLT Scheme #
Phrase of the day: so uninformed as to be nonsensical (via Ruby) #
Book Corey says I should read: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (all online!) #
Interesting: Current style in web design #
You’ve got to be kidding me: Craig Detractors Bash Blond Bond (and of course, they’ve got a website: craignotbond.com) #
How to shoot yourself in the foot: Sue Google for directing traffic to your site because they use thumbnail images of your content (Cross-listed under “This does not compute”) #
Abortion news of the day:
South Dakota lawmakers yesterday approved the nation’s most far-reaching ban on abortion
Something seems terribly awry in all this abortion madness, and the worst part is there are two camps who can’t seem to communicate in order to find a workable compromise. I propose a national abortion convention where representatives from the various groups meet and attempt to define a workable strategy for women’s health and abortion procedures in this country. How else are we going to move forward? #
I want! To: Elliott from: Portland #
This quote bothers me: A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds (Because it seems sometimes I’m the only one maintaining consistency. Where are all the little minds?) #
I really love this style for formatting code blocks.
Turns out it’s generated by a year and a half old WordPress plugin called Code Viewer.
The only downside is that the code is not cleanly copyable because it’s structured inside an ordered list with indentation determined by CSS. I’m not sure I like the arbitrary line breaks either. pre {overflow:auto;}
still works the best for me. #
YAGS: Google Page Creator #
Ben Hammersley’s doing something interesting with his blog: Leading by example (apparently using Apple’s iWeb) #
Jeremy Zawodny’s sez there’s supposed to be a Yahoo! PHP Development Center (but the link is currently dead) #
Reading this today totally cracked me up:
(catching up on the ongoing RSS drama) #
Blog (design) of note: Subtraction 7.0 #
The intarweb is just brilliant to me today: the center of the world — according to Google #
Great photo: Textpattern vs. WordPress #
Ingy döt Net asks, Am I the first person ever to change their name to their domain name? #
Hot shit! Boing Boing starts war with Secure Computing, SmartFliter, and censorware! #
To read later, Rasmus fires a shot across the Rails bow: The no-framework PHP MVC framework #
Updated: The Random Image Plugin for WordPress
New Feature:
Customize the HTML that is outputted between images
Bug fix:
Prevents more than one of the same image from showing up #