A wedding in the French style

Went to Stephanie’s dad’s wedding in Kenwood on Saturday. Or I should say, I drove up in a Jag, as I had the esteemed privilege of chauffeuring Jean-Claude and Sabine to their reception. So of course I had to look…

Persistence of Memory

Just wanted to post a photo tonight. The weekend was full. Homemade quesadillas and mojitos with friends on Cinco de Mayo. Sausalito art galleries and Tony and Sarah’s housewarming party on Saturday. Getting back to Annadel after many months today.

How much can I drink and still drive safely (and legally)?

I feel like most people are raised under the excessively naive belief that “There is no safe way to drive while under the influence. Even one drink can make you an unsafe driver.” There’s probably several good reasons for this:…

Marking Time

Today, May 9th, is an anniversary of sorts. One year ago I got in my car in Carrboro, North Carolina and started driving west. I had a final destination in mind (Santa Rosa) and a rough idea of when I…

Bodega Head

Given the mountains and valleys around here, sometimes I forget that I live only 27 miles away from the ocean (it’s 20 miles from where I work). That’s compared to about 160 miles when I lived in Chapel Hill, North…

Please forgive me if for the rest of your life I send you links about things you’ve long since lost interest in

I was thinking today driving home that I’ve become my Grandmother, at least in that I’ll send links to certain people (sometimes people I don’t have frequent contact with), because in my head, the subject of the link and that…

Von who?

Via Boing Boing today I read this quote: Everything you love, everything meaningful with depth and history, all passionate authentic experiences will be appropriated, mishandled, watered down, cheapened, repackaged, marketed and sold to the people you hate. …in reference to…

On the anniversary of my first year in California

One year ago today, I drove across the border separating Nevada and California north of Lake Tahoe, on my way to take up residence in Santa Rosa, California. I’d been driving for 9 days, through Asheville, Clarksville, Memphis, Arkansas, Amarillo,…

A little kayaking, a little barbecued oysters

I think I’ve perfected the art of spontaneous activity. It sort of goes like this. Wake up very leisurely. Weather is overcast but not raining, the forecasted precipitation having postponed the camping trip planned for this weekend. So no plans.…

Musing on working and staying inspired

I’m very much a learning-by-doing kind of person. I need a project to give me a reason to explore some new tool or technology. And I’m not that great at contriving projects or problems to solve (outside of this blog).…

Grazing cows

As seen from my drive home along Occidental Road

San Francisco, Eureka!

I imagine this serendipitous highway sign in Santa Rosa captures a sentiment felt by many. I drive by it on highway 12 every day, and I always get a chuckle.

Copy as HTML Link for Firefox

Here’s the scenario You’re blogging. WordPress, Movable Type, Blogger, it doesn’t matter. You’ve got like 15 to 20 tabs open in Firefox. As per usual. You’ve just stumbled upon the best quote on some blog that’s like totally supportive of…

Installing Ubuntu 5.10 on a Mini-ITX VIA EPIA ME6000 (just for fun)

I can see The other day I discovered a great deal on a 17″ flat panel monitor (with integrated speakers!) on buy.com (only $150 after googling around for a $10 affiliate discount). Granted it only takes VGA input, but I’ve…

Hiking Point Reyes with Christy and Art

On Monday morning Stephanie and I went out to Point Reyes to see my second cousin Art and his girlfriend Martha who’d flown into town from DC, visiting two of their friends (recent bay area transplants) and Art’s sister Christy.…