Transportation Archives

Cars, scooters, boats, motorcycles, trains, bicycles, and more

Bike to Work Day Poster Boy

One of my coworkers pointed out that I’m currently the poster boy for Bike to Work Day on the SF Bicycle Coalition website. The photo confused us both because yesterday, on Bike to Work Day, a group of coworkers organized a group ride to work, but none of them were visible in the shot. Then I realized that the jacket I had on in the photo was not the one I was wearing yesterday—so the photo must have been taken on a prior year, I’m guessing 2013, about a month after getting my new bike. In related news, I’m pretty close to being fully recovered from my broken elbow, and I’ve been biking to work every day since early April.

Justin on the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition website
Justin on the SF Bicycle Coalition website

Oaxacan Beetles

When traveling in a new place, I’m drawn to the backgrounds, the negative spaces, the tapestries of color and texture that exist just behind the people and cars and advertisements and graffiti. That background is what differentiates one place from another; it’s what makes a place a place. But it can be hard to photograph [well] because there’s all that other stuff in the way. And I didn’t have the weeks or months, let alone days, to immerse myself in the buzzing energy of Oaxaca enough to anticipate those moments of perfect urban composition.

As luck would have it, I stumbled upon a handy conceit. I was struck by how many Volkswagen Beetles were plying the cobblestone streets of the old city. So I took a photo of one or two—I love the juxtaposition of an old car against an interesting facade. I found that the familiar and graceful shape of the Beetle was a convenient foil for my true intention—to capture something of the place behind it. So what started out as a whim, turned into a sport, and I began walking the streets of old Oaxaca intent on collecting Beetles in their natural habitat.

Oaxacan Volkswagen Beetle

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I was a bike lane for Halloween

From the front it looked like I was just wearing a plain green t-shirt and shorts, so people would invariably ask, “And what are you?” That was my cue to lay down on the floor and wait for the moment of recognition. Actually got a few good laughs out of it. I loved it when someone said, “Oh, you’re The Wiggle!” (For those who don’t live in San Francisco, these “sharrows” are starting to pop up along the major bike routes all over town.)

Justin as a bike lane for Halloween
Bike Lane Justin

Stephanie thought my costume conveyed a deeper, almost morbid message—seeing me lay motionless on the ground evoked the four bicyclists who have died on city streets this year. I hadn’t quite considered that.

The New Bay Bridge

First, some photos of the MacArthur Maze, taken en route.

MacArthur Maze from the Bay Bridge Trail

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Commute loop

Living in the Mission, working in Union Square, and bicycling between the two means I get to work in about 12 minutes. I’m pretty sure it’s the fastest commute I’ve ever had, and it’d probably be even faster if it weren’t for all. those. lights. I’m kind of glad I don’t have gears, or I’d be even more annoyed by the reds slowing me down.

My route is also pretty flat, so the only thing that really gets my heart beating is the occasional, inconsiderate driver forcing me to sound my barbaric YAWP. Which is not much of a workout. I pedal occasionally, I coast frequently. Bikes are great for that. But I can tell that I’m not exerting anywhere near the level of effort of my one-time, 30 minute walk to work.

Lately I’ve been joking with friends that I actually need to lengthen my afternoon commute in order to break a sweat. So today I did that. And I think I’m going to keep doing that every day going forward. Not only did the new route double the mileage of my morning commute, but it turned out to be a nicer ride, with longer stretches between lights. Plus, I like that the entire day’s commute forms a loop.

Commute Loop