Photos Archives

Photos for photo’s sake. Sometimes I just want to post a photo without tying it back to some meaningful context.

Nature’s “latte art”

Patterns in the sand of Half Moon Bay
Marbling” in the sands of Half Moon Bay State Beach
Patterns in the sand of Half Moon Bay
Context, in black and white
Patterns in the sand of Half Moon Bay
Vertical, for good measure

What my smartphone sees

So I got this new camera (that also happens to make and receive calls). And like any camera that’s always with me, I use it to take the occasional photo. The quality is not great, but it’s better than my first foray into cellphone photography.

I’ve never been much of a street photographer—I don’t really like taking photos of strangers—but I do like taking photos of interesting street scenes. Anyway, I’ve had the camera for 2 months now, so I decided to go through all the photos I’ve taken and pluck out a few that I thought were noteworthy.

Legs sticking out of a box
One morning just around the corner from our house

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Golden Gate Bridge in black and white

San Francisco seen through the Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer
The Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

Mise-en-abyme offering

Apparently I’m not the only one who’s thought about taking a daily photo of Sancta Maria’s gifts. But I’d never thought of offering them back to Maria.

Photos of Sancta Maria's offerings offered to Sancta Maria
Photos of Sancta Maria’s offerings, offered to Sancta Maria

Previously: Mise-en-abyme Halloween.

Twilight panorama of San Francisco

Twilight panorama of San Francisco from Twin Peaks

180° panorama of San Francisco taken from Twin Peaks