Nature’s “latte art”

Photos for photo’s sake. Sometimes I just want to post a photo without tying it back to some meaningful context.
So I got this new camera (that also happens to make and receive calls). And like any camera that’s always with me, I use it to take the occasional photo. The quality is not great, but it’s better than my first foray into cellphone photography.
I’ve never been much of a street photographer—I don’t really like taking photos of strangers—but I do like taking photos of interesting street scenes. Anyway, I’ve had the camera for 2 months now, so I decided to go through all the photos I’ve taken and pluck out a few that I thought were noteworthy.
Apparently I’m not the only one who’s thought about taking a daily photo of Sancta Maria’s gifts. But I’d never thought of offering them back to Maria.
Previously: Mise-en-abyme Halloween.
180° panorama of San Francisco taken from Twin Peaks