
I’m not sure what’s more remarkable: that there was a time in the not-so-distant past when I didn’t bring a camera with me everywhere, or that in the present, everyone else has a camera with them at all times.

Before a digital camera became part of my “everyday carry”, I always had a cellphone on me. The one I got in 2006 came with a crappy 640×480 pixel camera, but once I figured out how to get the photos off it, I could finally post arty, low-res photos to my blog for the sake of posting photos. It was like…Instagram. (See also: The 18th century version of Instagram)

Ok, so apparently Instagram is more than just silly filters (though that’s been the sole extent of my usage), but when I recently stumbled upon some of my old cellphone shots, it struck me how Instagram-esque they were. Damn, I got to the party early! (Of course they’re not square, but I didn’t hold onto the originals, so I can’t recrop without making them even smaller.)

The first photos were taken back when I was still living in Santa Rosa and working for O’Reilly, while the later ones were taken after I’d moved to San Francisco and was working for Federated Media (2006-2008). Altogether these incidental little snaps capture moments from a period of great change in my life. So I thought it’d be fun to gather a smattering of them in one place.

Driving home from work along Occidental Road, Sebastopol, CA
Driving home from work along Occidental Road

California poppies
California poppies by the side of the road in Sebastopol, CA
Cows grazing in the pastures off of Occidental Road
Cows grazing in the pastures off of Occidental Road
A faux-brick has gone missing
A faux-brick has gone missing
Flattened cars on US-101
Flattened cars on US-101
Fire tornado at the Crucible Fire Arts Festival
Fire tornado at the Crucible Fire Arts Festival
Dryer at a laundromat in San Francisco
Dryer at a laundromat in San Francisco
Shopping cart escalator at Bed Bath & Beyond
Shopping cart escalator at Bed Bath & Beyond
Handcuff as bike lock in Sausalito, CA
Handcuff as bike lock in Sausalito, CA
Three-way loaf at Venice Deli in Sausalito, CA
Three-way loaf at Venice Deli in Sausalito, CA
Eye-shaped peephole at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
Eye-shaped peephole at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
Warhol-esque pink cans of Campbell's Soup
Warhol-esque pink cans of Campbell’s Soup
Container cranes in Oakland, CA
Container cranes in Oakland, CA
Norton Atlas motorcycle at Vespa SF
Norton Atlas motorcycle at Vespa SF
Two 'What's Up Dogs', bacon cheese fries, and a coke
Two “What’s Up Dogs”, bacon cheese fries, and a Coke
Bush Street in San Francisco renamed 'Obama'
Bush Street in San Francisco renamed “Obama”

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