My history with WordPress

At WordCamp San Francisco today I learned that WordPress celebrated its 6th anniversary this week. That and my badge, which proudly stated that I had spent “5 years with WordPress”, made me think back on my early history with WP.

My 2009 WordCamp San Francisco badge

I have to confess that 5 years is a bit of an overstatement. I believe I selected the “4-5 years” option from the registration drop down, but just for the record I moved Justinsomnia from Blogger to WordPress 1.5 in March of 2005. So I’ve really only spent the last 4 years with WordPress.

However, I did install WordPress 1.2 in January of that year to help Ruby Sinreich develop a dynamic blogroll for Orange Politics. So I have Ruby to thank for getting me to dig into WordPress in the first place. Thanks Ruby!


Jealous of the badge! Your post made me go back and find my post from when I moved to WordPress. Oct 2, 2003!

Before that, I was using Radio Userland, which I moved to from Blogger. Was surprised how long ago that was…not quite 6 years, but well over 5.

Wow! That’s amazing. I had no idea you were such an early adopter. Beats me by a year and a half. On that date, WordPress was at v0.711, just days before it hit 0.72. I started with Blogger as well, and it kept me blogging throughout my time at SILS, from June 2002 to March 2005.

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