Birthday weekend so far…

Tuesday is actually my birthday, but I’ve been celebrating it (along with Stephanie) all weekend. Friday night Conrad was DJing at a furniture store in Hayes Valley. Dawn, Mark, and Marcia came down from Sonoma County to see him, so…

Brioche and Salsifis at the French Laundry

Stephanie and I got to Yountville early. Like 2 hours early. We walked around the vintage shops mall, which had pretty much nothing we wanted, and only 20 minutes passed. So we hopped back in the car and drove down…

James Kim

I’ve let myself get completely wrapped up in the whole story, since the moment I first heard about the missing person’s report on SF Metroblogging. Apparently I’m not alone. But I don’t get it. What happened that caused the Kims…

Biking to work

Did I mention I’ve been biking to work (again)? It’s only 7.87 miles! Back in Chapel Hill, I used to bike to work (and back) every day because there was no parking at our building. That and work was only…

What’s in the veggie bag this week?

Leeks, lemons, tangerines, apples, and celery roots. Subscription is the best thing to happen to vegetables since the agricultural revolution. I’m a total convert. I should eat more fresh vegetables like everybody, but when you put me in front of…

On constraints and innovation

Discontent spurs innovation for sure, but sometimes in the least expected ways. How much should we be thanking Microsoft for its narrow vision of the web, its monopolistic business practices, and the browser it put out to pasture for over…

CAPTCHA insecurity

I worry about the day when I’m no longer able to correctly answer CAPTCHAs, and computers stop thinking I’m human.

Learning how to save

Something changed when I got to San Francisco. Even though living in a city for the first time was an incredible challenge, I felt in some ways more settled and more stable than in Santa Rosa. Thus several chores that…

Deconstructed Pesto

This recipe for an hors d’oeuvre came to me in a flash tonight. Suffice it to say I haven’t made it or tasted it yet: From bottom to top assemble: very thinly sliced and toasted bread, or crostini 1 large…

The year in donations

In May, I added the ability to put a PayPal donation button at the bottom of my posts, partly because of an email I got from someone who wasn’t willing to pay for a custom WordPress plugin, but said that…

Smart cars vs. US emissions standards

I enjoyed Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, but it didn’t scare me. Nothing he suggested sounded too alarmist, everything he described pretty much fit my model of how we treat the environment. I support the movie so much that…

In Austin over the holidays

On Saturday Stephanie and I took a bus, a train, a plane, and a car to get to Austin. Above southwest Utah, about 50 miles northwest of Cedar City Now we’re here for barely three and a half days, so…

A DDR Christmas

Stephanie put DDR on her Christmas list, and she got what she asked for! Then the whole Watt family joined in the fun. Who would have thunk it? Perfect for working off mom’s chocolate souffle.


It has been 8 and a half years since I left Austin and my family for college in North Carolina. Wow. Compared to the 3 and a half years I lived in Austin during high school, I’m not even sure…

At the end of the long tail of my blog

I compiled a list of the least popular posts I’ve written in the last year, and not surprisingly, 8 out of 10 were from November and December, not having had enough time to gestate in the belly of Google. So…