The new HTML5 fist
Just couldn’t help myself. I love how it looks like a Superbowl ring.

And now back to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress…
Making fun of stuff
Just couldn’t help myself. I love how it looks like a Superbowl ring.
And now back to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress…
To reach Christchurch for our flight out of New Zealand on Sunday, we took the TranzCoastal train starting from Blenheim. The best part was the viewing car, which was open to the air on the sides—great for taking photos (and flaunting the rules).
We’re glad we chose life. –Sarah and Bristol Palin
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. –Inigo Montoya
My first LOLcat:
It’s not every day that I’m watching a random mock biography about a faux-German with a hit French pop song, and all of a sudden Stephanie shoots across the screen on a scooter. For reals.
The best part is, Stephanie didn’t even recognize herself (at first). As this blurry little figure on a black scooter zipped across the screen, somehow a lone neuron fired deep within my brain, and I said, “Do you know who that was?” She was like “No…”
And if you thought that was weird, the photo I took of her is also featured on his official website, advertising a contest. Sort of ironic, considering that Helmut Fritz is represented by Sony Music, don’t you think?
Update, 14-Jan-2010: Good news. After getting in touch with some people at Sony Music France, we were able to resolve the matter to our satisfaction.