Merry Christmas from Bali and Austin

Over the last 7 years, I’ve turned the obligatory family photo at Christmas into a chance to wish everyone a happy holidays on my blog. (For an interesting look back, see: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 A, 2009 B.) However, for the first time in my 31 years, I was unable to spend Christmas with my family.

Which made me kind of sad to think I wouldn’t be able to post a similar photo this year. And then I had an idea: take a screenshot from Skype—and voila, everyone in a single photo! Together even though we’re far apart. Nevermind that it’s December 26th in Bali—it’s still December 25th in Austin!

Christmas 2010 family photo, taken with Skype
Skype family Christmas photo, take 1

But, as it turns out, Katie had an even better idea, to put us on fullscreen and have Dad hold the laptop while they took the classic shot of everyone in front of the tree, including Calvin the cat! I think it came out quite nicely. Happy Holidays!

Christmas 2010 family photo, taken with Skype
Skype family Christmas photo, take 2



Fantastic Tele-Techno-Xmas photo!

David R.

The photo looks fabulous! You’re geniuses for thinking of the idea. I’m jealous of your cool globetrotting and amazed that it can feel like you’re practically next door. Have a wonderful New Year! I look forward to reading more about your travels.



David, of course they could have just put a photo of us on the laptop (think: cardboard cutout) but that was actually us on the screen in real time. And the way my Dad was holding the laptop, we could actually see the living room and the camera on the tripod on our end—talk about a trip!

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