Vespa road trip, uh-huh
Yesterday Stephanie and I took our first Vespa road trip. We headed further up 101 than either of us had been before (on Vespas), getting off on CA-1 towards Stinson Beach. Though we’d planned on spending time at Stinson, we ended up stopping at Muir Beach, a small coastal community and public access beach along the way.
We watched the waves, watched the children and dogs play in the water. I wandered around and took a few photos. Stephanie took this one of my reflection:

Then we scooted up to the Muir Beach Overlook for some pretty cool views of the coastline with the fog far in the distance.

At which point I decided it was time for some radical pictures of me on my scooter:

Later on we stopped at a scenic overlook and a woman (riding up CA-1 with her boy) offered to take a photo of both of us.

The route:

Awesome pictures! Looks like a gorgeous trip.
you two look like a couple of nefarious Italian assasins. I’d expect you to drive up the side of my car, look in the window and then shoot me with the semi-automatic pistols you’d been concealing within the folds of your big padded jackets…
Pay no attention to our smiles. That’s just a cover.
So how many miles north did you travel?
Oh not far. Only up to Stintson Beach. About 46 miles round trip sez Google Maps. But a pretty awesome and challenging ride along CA-1 and Panoramic Highway (through Mt Tamalpais State Park). I’ve added a map of our route.
Also forgot to mention, we had an excellent chicken quesadilla at Joe’s Taco Lounge & Salsaria. Maybe the best ever.
Enjoy the Vespas and the chicken quesadillas. Cheers from a Vespa rider in Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.
This is almost what it looks like when I look out of my Skylab windows. Is it beautiful down there?
Reflection and shadow in one frame. Very informative snap for light study.