Get photos off your cell phone without paying Sprint $15 a month

Update: Before leaving a comment on this post, please realize that I do not support BitPim nor am I one of the BitPim developers. I simply downloaded and installed BitPim in order to download photos off of my cellphone. If…

Fixing Broken Windows

Recently there was some chatter in the blogosphere on something called the broken windows theory from Malcolm Gladwell’s book The Tipping Point. All of a sudden everyone was all “broken windows this” and “broken windows that” and I was like,…

Change your AIM password without AIM

Like half the world, I’ve got an AOL Instant Messenger account, but I never use AIM to access it, because I don’t want AIM to crude up my computer with icons and ads and DLLs. So I use the ad-free,…

Bloglines subscription stats? Just check your httpd access logs.

We were chatting about tracking more accurate feed subscription stats after work the other night, and I made a mental note to poke around my httpd server access logs (thank you Dreamhost for making that so easy). So I’m paging…

I spent the weekend at Barcode

Friday night I met up with Stephanie and her dad, Jean Claude, at Ale Works. Talked about this 40,000+ attendees, $700/head, Donald Trump financial seminar he went to in the city (for free, of course!)—and the fact that he’s actually…

The endless bounty of parody

Still straight and unhappy? Sheesh. Inspiration: Corey and Terrie and Exodus International! More info here.

XQuery is fun?

Jonathan on his xml database training: the fun-o-meter is tipping from party to par-tay I just can’t get enough of that! This post first appeared on From the Belly of the Beasts, a weblog from some of the people who…


Considering the amount of non-stop rain we’ve been getting out here in northern California, it amazes me that the Laguna de Santa Rosa hasn’t flooded over Occidental Road again. Yesterday driving home from work, I found the reflection of the…

Wales on Wikipedia

Friday night I hitched a ride down to the city with Mark and Linda to see Jimmy Wales give a Long Now talk on Wikipedia. I jotted down a few notes of interest: the John Seigenthaler Sr. Wikipedia biography controversy…

Art, Dance, Drinks

When we tired of Friday night’s hustle and bustle, Stephanie and I took leave of our comrades and headed over to the Hotel Bijou, as this weekend, come rain or shine, we were going to explore the city. A little…

There’s no shopping on Easter Sunday

On Sunday evidentally the Christians conspired against our Union Square shopping spree, so instead we spent a leisurely brunch at Cafe De La Presse, the one place in the city Stephanie says you can get an honest to goodness croque-monsieur.…

Conquering Mt. St. Helena

By Sunday evening, Stephanie and I decided we’d had our fill of the city. In fact, after two days it seemed that something of an urban purification was in order. Come Monday, the sun was finally out, so I suggested…

Taylor’s Refresher in St. Helena, California

I don’t think I appreciate where I live enough. It’s one thing to live in San Francisco and be constantly reminded of its coolness. It’s another thing to live about an hour north, in the center of Sonoma County, away…

Hula hooping at Marcia’s big shindig

Last night we celebrated Marcia and friends birthdays this year in a big rollerskatin’, pizza/guacamole/mojito/cupcake consumin’, hula hoopin’ bash. I’m sure photos will begin poppin’ up all over the internets, so in order to get the ball rollin’ I give…

Marking up blog post updates semantically

I’ve been musing on how to markup blog post updates more semantically since back when Jason added the following note to one of his posts: That was the first time I recall seeing CSS used to differentiate an update from…

The sun is out! The poppies are out!

Cameraphone picture of California Poppies near O’Reilly Media, Inc. headquarters in Sebastopol

Why does Windows hate me?

This has got to be THE MOST annoying dialog box to ever come out of Redmond. Is there anyway to make “Restart Later” mean “Don’t bug me about restarting my computer. Ever. Again.”? This post first appeared on From the…

How to sniff a feed

I thought the Feed Validator’s ‘foo’ media type is not specific enough warning page was particularly useful/interesting. RSS feeds should be served as application/rss+xml. Atom feeds should use application/atom+xml. If this is not possible, make sure that one of the…

WordPress Suicide

This was a fun one to write. What if you wanted to start over again? Just wipe the slate clean and start blogging without any baggage. Well, that’s actually hard to do unless you’re comfortable using the MySQL command line…