away message

as a newly minted permanent employee of the university of the great state of north carolina, i was reminded that i should keep an eye out for professional development opportunities, things that would help me in my future career, and…

web browser lovefest

i told someone on the plane that i was going to a conference for people who really love web browsers. back in the netscape 4.7 days, the web browsing experience was getting pretty crappy. so i remember playing with internet…

web browser memories

i know i had an AOL account during high school (1994-1998), but I don’t remember when I started doing much web browsing. i wanted to build the computer i brought to college (i’m not sure where i got that idea–i…

web browser digital reference

mozilla firefox has an incredibly simple toolbar interface for custom search engine plug-ins. there are literally hundreds of plug-ins contributed by the mozilla community for all variety of special purpose search engines. i use a handful of web reference tools.…

the minimalist firefox ui

it occurred to me that when i need to go back a page, i hit backspace. so why not just chuck the navigation buttons out the window and move the search and location bars up to the menubar. savings: one…

we the media: the rise of grassroots

dan gillmor of the san jose mercury news gave the closing keynote at the fifteenth acm conference on hypertext and hypermedia in santa cruz, california. these are my annotated notes of his talk and his responses to the audiences’ questions.…

neat firefox extensions

how do you make a web browser that pleases everyone without pleasing no one? make it extensible. the only downside is that there are so many extensions available for firefox that it’s hard to know where to start. these are…

BetterBlogThis version 2

BetterBlogThis is based on blogger’s BlogThis bookmarklet with the following modifications: the selected text becomes the link text the post editor defaults to a specific blog the window size is elongated to facilitate editing links version 2 adds the following…

so i built a server

why? i like researching computer parts, building a system in my mind, purchasing everything, and putting it all together i like quiet computers i’ve been a fan of the small shuttle micro-atx systems since i first saw them in fry’s…

kiln opening and dance party at hell

woke at 5am saturday after a week of too little sleep. picked up christy and chloe and drove to pittsboro for the mark hewitt’s kiln opening. we were the eighth car. feigned sleep for two hours as the sun and…

justinsomnia dot org

as of right now, it appears that is resolving to the IP address of my cable modem which is then forwarded to my webserver. i decided to buy the domain from godaddy ($8.95/year) and point the record to zoneedit’s…