so cute yet so deadly: Plush Microbes #
cory doctorow, outreach director for the EFF “civil liberties on the internet” his disclaimer: this is a writer’s talk on copyright (not a lawyer’s) copyright clause in constitution: promotes the useful arts and sciences, affords authors monopolies of limited times…
i finally got my stuff together enough to produce a suitable masters project proposal (pdf), one that actually represents what i’m doing and what i want to do. marchionini gave the go ahead and informed me of my deadline: March…
Cory’s notes from the ETCON talk: Google is Harder Than it Looks even cooler (i think) are his notes from Life Hacks: Tech Secrets of Overprolific Alpha Geeks (just check out the description of this guy’s talk) the last real…
and they’re like, it’s better than yours damn right it’s better than yours i could teach you but i have to charge
curling on my cutting board, this morning
i remember a wedding on the coast of maine, for a second cousin. i remember taking pictures of everyone on disposable cameras they’d set out at every table. around age 12 or 13 i went to a wedding of a…
as that’s my only real context (so far), other than, say, movies. of which father of the bride is probably the most endearing (but underscores the stress and exhorbitant cost), then there’s the wedding singer, (reminiscent of many bar/bat mitzvahs…
people have been getting married left and right in san francisco lately. people who up till now were denied the ability to do so. when i hear people say that gay marriage is our generation’s civil rights issue, i say…
Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-Colo) proposes a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT that states “Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman.” ABC news, inappropriately calling her the Person of the Week, says “She is…
so cute yet so deadly: Plush Microbes #
first came the iTrip for Apple’s iPod. Now there’s the Si-Link FM transmitter I can plug into my laptop, at home, or in the car. way cool! #
oh my god, this brightened my day: have your portrait painted with stevie nicks #
most interesting newpaper article ever In a nutshell, this species is endangered #
cory doctorow of boingboing! thursday, 3:30pm, wilson library #
an mpeg video surprise thanks to “yeri” #
a sort of nauseating art #
simcity-licious the world’s tallest virtual building #
unbelievable. baby with “parasitic undeveloped conjoined twin growing on the crown of her head” to undergo surgery #
amazing! a frenchman and his horns #
download The Wrens “miss me” and then go buy their latest album #
david rees on Photocopying and Dissemination of “My New Fighting Technique Is Unstoppable” #
great quote “Nightly builds _MAY FORMAT YOUR HARD DRIVE AND MELT YOUR COMPUTER_ They’ll probably kill some babies too. Use at your own risk.” word. #
eerie i got 17 out of 20 #
i love that there’s something that exists called the poughkeepsie principles #
who knew france was so atheist chic? #
i do like html… but the title of this page made me smile #
currently browsing with: Mozilla Firefox (this is pretty nice) #
interview with chris onstad of achewood #
in the running for world’s cutest picture #
enough already i’m permanently sick of seeing the “passion of christ” as a news item on google news!!! #
look at this goodness, sils kids #
quote of the day: “you can eat the experiment afterwards” #
gotta say, very interesting reading on the topic of microsoft source code #
hi-larious! Polaroid warns buyers not to ‘Shake It’ #
how cool is this picture of a black hole ripping a star apart? update: only an illustration… #
the TiVo remote: “Central to the process, Mr. Newby said, was producing prototypes ‘early, ugly and often.'” #
searching google for “is the new black” is the new black #
holy cow! new thinkpad x40 only 2.7 pounds!!! #
It feels like a bee damn stung me on my Gentleness! (not class-safe) #
no way! animals on the underground #
i LOVE adjacent sibling selectors #
best quote ever? “a primeval darkness still prevails in women’s handbags” #
except for homos (from robin) #
on getting married: possibly the funniest thing ever i’ve ever listened to (thanks garrison keillor) #