master’s project progress

i finally got my stuff together enough to produce a suitable masters project proposal (pdf), one that actually represents what i’m doing and what i want to do. marchionini gave the go ahead and informed me of my deadline: March 29, two weeks before the master’s paper is officially due to be sealed, signed, and delivered. count it folks, that’s 7 weeks from today. yikes!

the proposal is very pedestrian. in one sentence, i’m proposing to design and implement a functional web application to replace my Microsoft Access financial system. there’s no cutting edge social science research, no groundbreaking use of technology, no bold assertions. just straight-up design something and build it. i expect to be throughly challenged for the next 49 days.

as a sidenote, today was the first time in this long process that i felt like it’s actually conceivable that i’ll graduate in may…

…which is nice because it means there might be some closure for this long process.


el jefe

Good on ya JWatt!

So you’re doing a project and not a paper? Rock on.

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