I’m famous! (on a TSA sign at Orlando International Airport)

Someone brought this accidental QR Code usage to my attention last August, but thanks to Fred Trotter, O’Reilly Radar’s open source health blogger, who happened to be flying through Orlando recently, I now have photographic proof! The TSA’s “Hola Niños!”…

“Sort Sol” in San Francisco at Sunset

On my walk home tonight I saw these birds flying around in formations that resembled the Danish sort sol, or “black sun”. I felt compelled to pull out my camera and snap a few stills. As it happens, my 21mm…

Does anyone out there know anything about Pinterest?

I’ve recently seen it show up in my referrer logs, and it turns out a bunch of people I don’t know have “pinned” a bunch of photos from my blog. I feel like this site came out of nowhere. Screenshot…

New year, new gig

To hell with New Year’s resolutions. How about New Year’s actions! Remember that post I wrote about “planting a flag”? Well, I kind of expected it to flap aimlessly in the wind for a few months, but turns out it…


I didn’t fully appreciate how the twin towers of the World Trade Center dominated the New York City skyline until I saw this photo. WTC by Steven Siegel Stunning. Steven Siegel’s other photos of New York in the 80s are…

Our container ship voyage across the Atlantic written up in Neue Presse

One of the four passengers on our transatlantic container ship voyage was German journalist and radio personality, Björn Stack. Besides fulfilling his lifelong dream of traveling to the “new world” by boat (just like in the old days), he was…

Check out my neck tat

49 Mile Scenic Drive Sleepy Seagull from SFlocal.net (thx Kim!) The stubble gives the tattoo a certain je ne sais quoi, dontcha think? For more Sanfranciscanalia, check out 3 Fish Studios’ Scenic Drives paintings and my Park at 90 Degrees…

The 2011 Photo Book

By this, our fifth photo book, I pretty much have the process down to a science. The code I wrote in 2007 and revised in 2009 still works, Viovio still exists and accepts custom PDFs. But that didn’t make the…

Learning how to save, five years later

Once a year, I like to look back on the financial decisions I’ve made and think about any changes I anticipate making in the year ahead. Last Year Financially speaking, not much happened during the first eleven months of 2011,…

A hike, a home

On the 1st of January, Stephanie and I drove out to Stinson Beach for a hike up into the hills below Mt Tam. It was an unexpectedly gorgeous day. The sun was so warm it must have been 70 or…