Feral CB750
My walk to work takes me through a lively cross-section of San Francisco: down Fillmore and Church, then across the Mission on 18th Street all the way to Folsom. The beauty below caught my eye a few days ago, and reminded me how I used to walk to work with my camera on the off-chance I’d stumble upon something interesting (even after walking the same route, day after day). So this morning I decided to resuscitate the old habit.

Hi Justin
The CB 750 that you found in SF is a very early model 1969 70, the first 6000 or so produced were sandcast models and are extreemly collectable and are appreciating at an astonishing rate. Would you believe over 20 k + for a restored 69 . Even the 1970 model is very rare, its a shame to see it rotting . Check out http://cb750sandcastonly.com
Jay, the way it appears, I almost wonder if it’s an art piece.
Hi Justin, me and a few guys on a forum dedicated to these Hondas want to see this bike get restored and ridden. Is there any way you’d share where you found this beauty? Thanks!
Gregg, ha. You mean you don’t think it stands on it’s own as a sort of installation art garden ornament? I’ll shoot you an email.
Justin, thanks for the email. It’s definitely not an art piece. It’s got current registration tags, and art parked off the street doesn’t need those. No one answered when I knocked, so I left a note.