Breakfast in Heathrow
Friday it rained. We took it easy. Ran a few errands. Packed. Had one last dinner with Aurelie, Michel, and Luna. Went to bed after midnight and woke up at 5am to catch our 7:30 flight from Nice to London.
Highlight of the trip home was breakfast at Huxley’s Bar and Kitchen in Heathrow. I had the “Great British Breakfast”: bacon, sausage, eggs, tomato, mushrooms, baked beans, hash brown, and toast.

Also fun was riding the longest escalator in Heathrow:

That escalator totally freaked me out the first time I rode it. If I remember correctly, it is steep too. I had to close my eyes beacuase I was certain I was going to come crashing down.
The funny thing is it didn’t even seem that big to me. Maybe because it’s in that big open space. I remember some of the ones in the London and Paris subways seemed really long because they were encased in these tubes.
British Breakfast is absolutly terrible !! – beans with tomato soup – i wonder every time whyever they call it baked beans ?? – they only warm it up and the sausages splatter with fat if you try to prickle them …and buuuärgs..bon appetit ;-))
I beg to differ, Geli! British Breakfast is absolutely tasty! nom nom nom. Baked beans with tomato sauce, not that sweet stuff I had growing up in NC. A perfectly cooked sausage, sautéed mushrooms. drool. Different strokes and all that jazz, I guess.
Actually, I have to admit the beans were not that bad, and I’m not a fan of baked beans. But what I really enjoyed was the bacon: they were these irregular meaty strips, not the wafer thin laces of Oscar Mayer fat I grew up on.