To be wired or not to be wired
Joy and Kyle contemplating a road trip:
I’m finding vacation auto-responders and voicemail away messages and statements like “I’ll be offline until mm/dd” increasingly strange. I mean, really, you’re going on some adventurous trip and you’re not bringing your cell phone/pda or a wireless laptop?
How would you blog? How would you look stuff up to do? What would you do without Google Maps??? Back in the day, that’d be the equivalent of not bringing a map. Or a compass.
The night before Stephanie and I left for North Carolina, I mentioned I’d be bringing my laptop, and she asked with an incredulity that I think surprised even her, “You are?” because she already knew the answer, even though it was such short trip. “Yeah, of course,” I thought to myself. I might want to work on something on the plane, or edit photos for the blog on the way home. Or maybe look something up at the hotel from the comfort of our room.
I could envision an uber-outdoorsy trip where I didn’t bring one (though I’d probably at least bring a cell phone), but this wasn’t that trip. In the end having it was instrumental in ensuring that we all got a decent plate of North Carolina barbecue for lunch on a Sunday in Chapel Hill.
it’s called, the iPhone, people. never need a map, a laptop, or directory assistance on vacation ever again.
I held myself back from specifically mentioning it by name in my post. But yeah. That too.
Actually, I look forward to not having laptop/pda/cellphone access on my trips. And my justification is: if I need to know something while I am traveling, my best option is to smile and ask. Information and cultural exchange all in one tidy package. Although I am quite grateful to you for finding Bon’s via any means.