Seeking: French bistro table

bistro tableI’m in search of a French bistro table (aka a guéridon) with a cast iron base and a simple black marble top, about 28 inches in diameter. Stephanie and I have seen several at cafes in the city, but have yet to track down a reliable source. I’ve also found very little online, which is unusual. If anyone has any leads or suggestions, please leave a comment. Let’s see if Craigslist can help.

While on the lookout this morning, we stopped by The Butler and the Chef, a very cool French antique store on 16th and Utah. They didn’t have any marble bistro tables, but they did have some custom enameled metal ones. The base was new (and just what we’re looking for), but I thought the table tops were so-so, and the price was a little high ($475). They had some other neat things, including two or three old wooden butcher tables with surfaces worn down to hills and valleys, but nothing we really needed.

We also stumbled upon the Design Within Reach studio on Potrero, my first time experiencing DWR outside of their catalog. Lots of nice, pricey things, but nothing especially we wanted, well except for the Nelson Sunburst Clock.

After a brunch at Noah’s Bagels, we discovered a real gem, Khyber Pass on 16th and Kansas. They have all manner of interesting reproduction and reconditioned furniture, most of it from China and Indonesia, as well as reasonably priced leather chairs and couches, and rugs. Though we were intrigued by several of their wood pieces, we held ourselves back, and instead got a black leather bench with narrow wood legs—for the end of the bed or in one of the bay windows—we haven’t decided yet.

Before heading home we poked our heads in an elegant (read: gaudy) housewares store where Stephanie spied this excellent specimen:

Duck dish

I should have bought it, huh?



I have exactly as pictured with a dark green marble top. Email if you are interested i can send or post a picture.


I have many kind of antique bistro table from Provence some of them are wonderful christian at princesscaro dot com.


I am in the process of selling items from my cafe. We have many tables exactly as you described. Black swirl marble top and the base is cast iron. We have matching cast iron Bistro chairs to match. We are selling them for a fraction of what they are worth. I can send you pictures if you like. Email me if you like greenhousebistro at comcast dot net.

We have exactly marble/granite Franch bistro table as you request. Please look at our and feel free to contact me by e-mail:


You can get authentic French bistro tables in the U.S. from TK Collections in New York. They are importers of cast iron cafe table bases and tops directly from France. In addition they also sell the authentic hand made French cafe bistro chairs that are so wonderful. They are “To the Trade” so wholesale only, but very good.


Are you still looking for this table?

Wanda, I’ve always got my eyes open.


I too am looking for these table bases. (I have someone who can make the marble tops.) The bases are so so expensive, have you ever seen a decent inexpensive option for them? They’re nearly impossible to find used near me. I need 4 of them, ASAP! Any thoguhts? leigh (at) resurrectionalehouse (dot) com. Get in touch?


Re: Bistro tables/Guéridon — look underneath the object of your interest for the maker’s mark — track down online (if new, many suppliers only offer whole-sale; find a friend w/ a wholesale license, try to get a few people interested in the same item). Much less of a hassle to just spend the higher price on an antique, or Restoration Hardware — has excellent reproduction Guéridon. Bon Chance!


… You get what you pay for! Cheap repros are usually not cast iron.

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