A tribute to the Glitter Ponies
Tonight we finished up the very long spring semester of the Finbar Devine’s pub trivia competition—with perfect attendence no less.
Come to think of it, other than one or two schedule conflicts, I (and several others) have been showing up at Finbar in Petaluma every Wednesday night since last September.
Nevertheless, several of us have found ourselves pondering whether it’s time to stable the Glitter Ponies and take a breather. Is this really the end? Is there life after Glitter Ponies? We’ll have to see.
These are some of the faces of the Glitter Ponies:

You have definitely captured how it was 90 degrees last night.
Oh Ponies, you are darlings.
Image swiped, color corrected, and reposted here. Nice work Poopy Pants!