gettin’ mathy with it

friday at the mission is a defacto half day, so we came back to the hotel just after noon, and sat out by the pool reading and watching the ocean. which makes me wonder how far out can i actually…

your fearless adventurer

i got in the ocean today. the indian ocean. Justin in the Indian Ocean

first, a picture

this is a view of the indian ocean with the tide out as seen from the sea cliff. i’ve marked with an arrow where i believe i was standing when i took this photo. perhaps this more aptly conveys what…

like a warm laptop on cold toes

how voyeuristic to see myself in a photo i didn’t know was being taken. it’s easy to forget what your body looks like, especially when you’re doing some idiosyncratic thing like scanning the horizon for an interesting photo. catherine took…

happy na-ne na-ne (peasant’s day)

it’s friday, an apt day for reflection man walking in the indian ocean at low tide i was considering going to zanzibar, but i think my original plan for today and tomorrow (hanging out by the pool) will more than…

Second trip to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

My second trip to Tanzania completes my three country, six trip tour of the world. How splendidly symmetrical. Though the pictures below tell a story of continuous jaunts along the Indian Ocean, flirting with the flora and the fauna, I…

returning, slowly

my house has new shiny floors, smells salty like varnish. suitcase back finally three days late, one candlestick broke. like a satisfying gift of dirty clothes. closure. unpacked it immediately. put pictures from tanzania up online. the clouds and the…

lifestyle seduction

this morning a volkswagen ad caught my eye, showing a long Airstream trailer attached to a new beetle, lifting the latter into the air. and i remembered how much i love the airstream trailer design. rounded. shiny. aluminum. and nowadays:…


i get anxious doing laundry in new places. the vulnerability of trucking clothes out in broad daylight. the inability to predict whether the washers will all be taken. the elevator style non-interaction between fellow launderers. the leaving of clothes unattended.…

this is what is up

i’ve given myself two days of vacation on thursday and friday. how nice. tonight everyone came over under the auspices of playing risk (there being several gamers among us). we ended up playing settlers of catan and fluxx. tomorrow we…

manumission schmanumission

how easy to forget that school is awesome because of the new people. what was i doing dissin’ 19 years of school in my last post? i feel like i’ve dissed all the new people i’ve met over those 19…

seeking partner for programming

i enjoy working on projects where the interaction i have with people demonstrates to me that they care about what i’m doing. i’ve happily worked on measure’s databases for so long because i usually get instant feedback from my boss…

tonight we rocked the library

jean and i bought snacks in 95 degree humidity, 45 some odd people came out, sils’s myriad organizations were duly introduced, and chris higgins provided the culminating and encore group introduction. thus happy hour was officially inaugurated. for a free…

thinking about classes

i really haven’t had time to sit down and think. or more accurately, my head hasn’t been thinking anything interesting as of late. i have some faith that even when my own thoughts are inaccessible to me, the out of…