Barbecue party on the container ship
We are currently at 23° 18′ 3.45″ N 74° 36′ 56.55″ W, somewhere east of the Bahamas, en route to Cartagena, Colombia. We gained an hour tonight.
Something to add to Stephanie’s container ship FAQ: Can you fish off a container ship? My immediate response was: no way. A container ship just seems too big and too industrial—and how could anyone fish while the ship was moving?
Well for one, the ship is not always moving. Sometimes when we’re ahead of schedule they just let it “drift” for a few hours. And it turns out that it doesn’t matter how big your boat is, if you’ve got a long enough fishing line, you can fish off of anything.
The captain declared that tonight there’d be a barbecue party (they usually have them once a voyage) and the whole crew came together on the main deck, grilling shrimp, squid, pork bellies, kabobs, chicken, hot dogs, as well as three fish they caught right off the side of the ship. Of course there was drinking, music, dancing, drinking, dancing…

OMG !!!…thats absolut GREAAAT !!!
Where ever Justin goes, barbecue follows.
Joy, how about: “Where ever Justin goes, BBQ flows!”
wow! is your crew primarily filipino?
Hanalei, yep, the captain and engineers are Russian, but the officers and crew are all Filipino—an all around friendly and fun-loving bunch.
Hey, I live in Auckland – was wondering if you guys want to come over for some chow when you get here, can pick you up wherever. Can’t promise barbecue, but some good kai nonetheless. Found your blog at the NYT – pretty awesome trip.
Lisa, thanks for the offer. I’ll send you an email. Btw, where on the NYT did you find my blog?
i guess i know whose holding that freshly caught fish.. its wonderful that you do enjoy your stay at Cap Cleveland and also spending time with the 3rd Officer… So how’s my husband been treating you? kindly tell him I miss him.. :)
tems! I’m so glad you found my blog! I’m going to head right up to bridge in 5 minutes and show this to Jeoffrey directly! You remind me that I need to get a halfway decent picture of him on my blog. Stephanie just posted a group shot with him in it here: Abandon ship!
And you are quite right, it was he who caught the fish in the picture ;)
i like this sea trip so much!