End of an Era: Google shutting down Reader
I’m getting evicted from another feedreader. Maybe this is a sign.

It was less than two years ago that I finally, begrudgingly made the switch to Google Reader after Ask.com shut down Bloglines (which I’d been using for an incredible five years). That time the alternative was clear. This time…this time I really don’t know what I’m going to do.
A good feedreader has always been the glue that held the blogosphere together. I enjoyed my intradaily checking of Bloglines (and then Google Reader) more than email. But “the force” has definitely felt weak as of late. It’s been years since I felt that sense of community around personal blogging that drew me to it when I started. Lately I’ve found myself more conflicted about what to share, and blogging less as a result. I’ve lost touch with who I’m writing for, and why. It might just be that this is me growing up. Or…gasp…growing out of blogging.
I really burnt myself out on our trip. By the end, I didn’t want to “risk” doing anything [bloggable] because that would only add to my weeks-long backlog. It was a relief on our return to do something average that I didn’t feel compelled to summarize and illustrate. To just start living my life again, for my own sake, and those around me. But it wasn’t only me who’d changed. Millions of people each day were getting that thrill I had first felt 10 years earlier, sharing their lives asynchronously with friends and family via Facebook. It’s just that I had already moved on.
But I haven’t quite figured out what’s next.
Feedly is a great product that has stepped in to fill the gap. The transition is seamless and us actually a better experience. They also plan on reproducing the Reader API so current apps will be able to switch as well. Give it a go.
For those that care about you & Mlle Soleil and hate Facebook, the blog has been wonderful. Thank you. PL
Phill, fear not. Justinsomnia is not necessarily going anywhere. Just taking this opportunity to undergo some soul-seeking.