Preemptive jetlag

Last Thursday, Stephanie and I set off on our annual pilgrimage to France. In the hopes that we’d acclimate to the nine hour time zone difference sooner, we spent the week before the trip waking up two hours earlier than…

A weekend in Ruoms

From l’aéroport in Paris we traveled by train to Loriol-sur-Drôme—the town where Jean-Claude, Sabine, and Gaïa (Stephanie’s dad’s family) live. We stopped there to take a much-needed shower before continuing by car to Ruoms, a village across the Rhone where…

Song of the cigale

The sound of summer in the south of France: Or if you just want the audio: Download: French Cicada (cigale)

Rue des Pêcheurs, Antibes

A typical ruelle in the Vieil Antibes My experience with the Leica has sparked a renewed appreciation for black and white—even when I’m shooting in color with a digital camera, as was the case here.

Basse Rue, Annot

Basse Rue in the old town of Annot It was hard to choose whether to post this in color or black and white. Since I’ve got a thing going here, I decided to stick with the latter. You’ll just have…

Rue de l’Orbitelle, Entrevaux

A table and chair on Rue de l’Orbitelle Together with her mom and aunt, Stephanie and I took the narrow-gauge Train des Pignes to visit the medieval walled city of Entrevaux. After stopping first to visit the town of Annot,…

What’s on the grill in France?

BBQ à la Française In short: the whole barnyard. Pictured above, there’s the ever popular chipolata (pork sausage) and merguez (spicy lamb sausage), plus dinde (turkey), and médaillons de porc au lard (bacon-wrapped pork loin). Not pictured, but grilled later…

Leaving France by plane

Flying over a solitary boat in the Mediterranean After two satisfying weeks with Stephanie’s family, we were on a plane, flying home to San Francisco. It’s funny because it was at exactly the same time last year—almost to the day—that…