The importance of bone marrow
It was a weird confluence: first the entire internet mourning Steve Jobs, then multiple items in my feedreader about Amit Gupta of Photojojo. He was recently diagnosed with acute leukemia and thus will need a bone marrow transplant from someone of South Asian descent in the near future. It compelled me to put a link on my blog calling out to all South Asians.
At first I thought the link I posted for Amit was the most I could do—I’m simply not South Asian. No, the most I could do would be to get tested and added to the National Marrow Donor Program, regardless. So this morning I went to Be The Match to request a free “cheek swab kit”.

Update: Amit Gupta and the social media search for a cure (BBC News Magazine)
That is wonderful adding yourself to the bone marrow match list. I will do that , too. Love, Mom
Learned that I am too old to be a donor so I will leave it up to the many who may read Justin’s blog to consider doing it in honor or in memory of someone they love.–Justin’s Mom
Mailed my cheek swabs back yesterday. :)
Eric, cool. It took me a while, but I finally sent my cheek swabs in this morning.
My Dad was just diagnosed with leukemia this past week. I don’t think he’s a candidate for a bone marrow transplant, but it’s great to see you doing this all the same. I will give it a shot, myself.
Pamela, I’m really sorry to hear that. Even if these things we do don’t directly help the ones we love, I think there’s some solace to be found in being spurred on to help others.