I remember these when we would buy lunch for the day at a market in a England before we did our day’s touring. They are so delicious and so filling. We loved talking to you on Thanksgiving Day but missed you both at the dinner table. Holidays are the hardest times to have you so far away. Thank goodness for your blog and Stephanie’s. We actually have more contact with you on a daily basis than we would if you were back in San Francisco working, so that has been so good. Much Love and Hugs and Kisses (Bisous), Mom
Just a passing comment…
YUS! Quite happy to see you’ve visited the market in my home town during your South Island travels.
We’ve had a few meat pies in NZ, mostly out of convenience, but I’m bummed at not getting to try any of these gourmet pies, like venison and red wine or moroccan tagine. I snapped this pic at around 7 or 8am, when we arrived at the farmer’s market after our week of wwoofing.
I remember these when we would buy lunch for the day at a market in a England before we did our day’s touring. They are so delicious and so filling. We loved talking to you on Thanksgiving Day but missed you both at the dinner table. Holidays are the hardest times to have you so far away. Thank goodness for your blog and Stephanie’s. We actually have more contact with you on a daily basis than we would if you were back in San Francisco working, so that has been so good. Much Love and Hugs and Kisses (Bisous), Mom
Just a passing comment…
YUS! Quite happy to see you’ve visited the market in my home town during your South Island travels.
We’ve had a few meat pies in NZ, mostly out of convenience, but I’m bummed at not getting to try any of these gourmet pies, like venison and red wine or moroccan tagine. I snapped this pic at around 7 or 8am, when we arrived at the farmer’s market after our week of wwoofing.
Very cool!
They weren’t plastic either—they were actual pies that they cut in half for every Saturday Market.