The Hills Bros. Coffee building is at the centerSan Francisco lights reflected in the bayReflected light as “watercolor”
Hi, Justin,
You took those pictures yourself? What camera and lens are you using? I’m planning on buying a camera, but cannot decide which one. Those are very nice pictures, I might as well just buy whatever you got.
Sam, I took these with a Ricoh GR Digital II. This is a GREAT camera. But keep in mind it’s not cheap and does not have a zoom lens. The lens is a fixed focal length, equivalent to 28mm wide angle field of view on a traditional 35mm (SLR) camera. If you want zoom, consider the Ricoh GX200. For that money you could get an entry level Digital SLR—but there is a reason I got this instead: it’s small!
You took a photo of this remarkable view, i must say you surprised me because usualy other photagraphors cant capture the beauty of San Francisco.
Hi, Justin,
You took those pictures yourself? What camera and lens are you using? I’m planning on buying a camera, but cannot decide which one. Those are very nice pictures, I might as well just buy whatever you got.
Sam, I took these with a Ricoh GR Digital II. This is a GREAT camera. But keep in mind it’s not cheap and does not have a zoom lens. The lens is a fixed focal length, equivalent to 28mm wide angle field of view on a traditional 35mm (SLR) camera. If you want zoom, consider the Ricoh GX200. For that money you could get an entry level Digital SLR—but there is a reason I got this instead: it’s small!
You took a photo of this remarkable view, i must say you surprised me because usualy other photagraphors cant capture the beauty of San Francisco.