D’Èze-sur-Mer à Èze-Village

The rain we saw in Fayence hung around the coast on Thursday, but that didn’t dissuade us from getting out for another hike. We drove east to Èze-sur-Mer (aka Èze-Bord-de-Mer), one of many small villages hugging the Azur coast, which is really the newer “suburbs” of the old fortified town called Èze-Village on top of the hill 1500 feet above.

So in the sporadically sprinkling rain, we hiked from the coast to the village, evoking memories of our steep Keane Wonder Mine hike in Death Valley.

View of Èze-sur-Mer and Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat from Èze-Village
View of Èze-sur-Mer and Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat from Èze-Village

Stephanie was particularly enamored with the narrow “streets” and small shops in Èze-Village, so she took over the camera and posted a bunch of her shots with some interesting commentary in Exploring and Experiencing Èze.


Hi Justin, I just randomly stumbled across your blog. I am a total sucker for great views, and those shots are amazing.

Do you have them in a higher res?

Mustafa, yes I took the photos on this post with a 10 megapixel digital camera. Send me an email if you’d like me to make you a print.

I spent 3 months in Eze-Sur-Mer when I was in high school, living with a French family. It was an amazing experience, and such a beautiful place! It was difficult at first to get used to the nude beach there (having been quite sheltered in my adolescence), but otherwise I fell in love with the area. I’m so jealous you were there! :)

Wow Tasha, quelle coïncidence!

Hey Justin, I’ve been pretty busy but I finally got around to see if you replied to my comment and I saw that you did really quickly :-)

I sent you an email.

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