Destruction of Alderaan

I’m not a big Star Wars buff or anything, but there’s a point in one of the movies, I’m not sure which, just after a planet had been destroyed when Obi-Wan senses a disturbance in “the force.” He says it felt as if millions of voices had suddenly cried out and then went silent.

I’m often reminded of that description when confronted with news reports about terrible natural disasters. 12,000 people killed in an earthquake in China. 100,000 killed after a cyclone passed through Burma. 225,000 killed in the Indian Ocean Tsunami.

Hath mother nature no respect for human life?

I don’t know what the planet’s current daily death rate is, but I imagine it’s pretty unfathomable by itself. But still, when so many people of all ages and walks of life die within such a short period of time—I feel like I should feel something, just as it happens. Like a pinch, or a noise, or lightheaded. Because we are all connected. Right? Aren’t we?


The question of why don’t we feel anything, if we are all connected, is really interesting! I think you’d be lead to the study of the notion of “self” — what that actually is, what is this thing you call “me” that thinks and feels. It’s very fun to read about, and also infuriatingly difficult to grasp. (For this self, anyhow).

If you do not get sick to your stomach within 15 seconds you may not be thinking or feeling connected to the millions of voices that are crying.

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