Fishing boats, long exposure

The weather’s been unusually nice the past few days (after 3 miserable weeks of cold rain), and we’ve been getting ever so slightly more daylight each evening, so I took a detour on the way home through the Marina and stopped for an amusing walk with Stephanie around Fisherman’s Wharf.

Fishing boats docked near Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco

During the rain Stephanie and I were trying to come up with things to keep from dying of boredom, and we both started wishing we had an insanely hard jigsaw puzzle. Of course that resulted in some Google searches (where does one buy a good jigsaw puzzle these days?) where we discovered JigZone.

At first glance I totally scoffed, I mean, really, does everything have to have a computerized surrogate?! And then I started moving the pieces around and became totally hooked. Anyway, I just created an account and generated a puzzle using the photo above. Warning: NSFP.

Fishing boats docked near Fisherman's Wharf jigsaw puzzle



you didn’t pick an easy puzzle picture with all the black…it took me 15:53 minutes…i really like doing the puzzle :) do more!

This is another amazing picture. I said so out loud to myself when I saw it.

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