Totally went to IKEA and didn’t buy a damn thing
Not a stick. Oh well, except for a small plate of swedish meatballs and a chicken caesar salad. Yum. It was the first time I’d been since first visiting IKEA in DC with my dad three years ago.
Tonight we were on the lookout for a desk (37″W x 29″D), primarily for Stephanie’s computer. She had her eye on the corner-oriented TOVIK, though I was a little wary of its unstained look. In person the knotty pine wood was much less appealing than either of us expected—it was almost urine yellow in appearance. So we spent the rest of the evening pining over the compact MIKAEL (in birch effect/white, as opposed to beech or brown), pining because they were out of stock. Completely. Late August is a bad time to go desk shopping.
We grabbed two little houseware things and made our way to the checkout stands (just before they closed at 9), where we confronted lines stretching back 20 people. We dropped our things and headed home instead, back across the bay.
No pictures were taken, but this cameraphone shot from earlier in the week captures something of the same spirit. It’s looking down a shopping cart escalator in a two story Bed, Bath and Beyond on 9th and Brannan.

I’ve never seen a shopping cart escalator before, nor have I ever seen a Bed, Bath and Beyond so big before!
i don’t understand this “shopping at Ikea and not buying anything.” Does not compute. I see a visit in my near future.
The first time I ever went to Ikea was a few months back with Marcia and Leona. I bought pickled herring (with dill!). The second time to Ikea I bought a couple CD towers and a TV stand. On the whole, I am unimpressed with Ikea’s furnishings, though their kitchenware seems to be quality.
I bought a tovik desk over the weekend and plan on painting it white!