French pizza on a stone
I got a new kitchen toy this weekend: a pizza stone.
This is because every time I’m in Trader Joe’s, I’m tempted by their bags of fresh pizza dough. During the week I finally caved and picked one up, along with some ingredients that Stephanie had mentioned are pretty typical on pizza in France: ham and mushrooms. We supplemented that with some marinated artichoke crowns, and topped it all off with Trader Joe’s Quattro Formaggio shredded cheese. Yum.

that looks really delicious. will think about buying a pizza stone now!
beth and i just made a homemade pizza this weekend too. she had the recipe for the dough and we found some really good pepperoni and mozzarella to go on top. i’m not so sure about the mushrooms, but the rest sounded great on your pizza.
You know who likes pizza? Me.
this is a gooooood pizza. i tried to make it and it was a succes. i loved it. anyway who hates pizza.