Katie in California
Saturday morning I woke up after a late night in honor of St. Patrick. I had two hours to clean up and get the apartment ready for my sister who was flying in from Ohio. Laundry. Bathroom. Laundry. Kitchen. Laundry. Living room. Car wash. A sunny weekend, finally, after so many days of intermittent rain. And now a shiny clean car.
Picked Katie up at Oakland and stopped at the In-and-Out Burger for lunch. Got her first taste of California traffic backed up before the Bay Bridge toll booths on the way into the city. I think I remember hearing that 500,000 people cross that bridge everyday—and every one of them is risking their lives, which is why they’re building a new bridge right next to the current one. Of course I told Katie this while we were waiting in traffic for like 30 minutes.

Our first stop was the SFMOMA, which I’d never been to before. Saw some excellent and famous art works by Picasso, Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, and Lichtenstein as well as an Alexander Calder exhibit. I’d like to go back and see it all again sometime, just to reflect.
After a few hours of standing and walking through the museum, we went off in search of shopping around Union Square. Looked in a few shops but didn’t get anything. At this point exhaustion and hunger were setting in, so we staggered over to the Thirsty Bear for tapas and a beer before heading back up to Santa Rosa.
I’d read a while back that was the most trafficked bridge in the country, but I dunno where, and it coulda been wrong.
And, I got stopped on that bridge once on my way into the city, for an hour. My car did not move for an hour. And I had forgotten my radio faceplate at home. It was torture.