just in time for apple chill
flew back from new orleans early this morning, getting into chapel hill around noon—just in time for the annual springtime apple chill street festival. a truly strange concoction of fair food, crafts, and motorcycles (predominantly of the crotch rocket variety) which at this late hour, i can still hear in the distance.

what i enjoyed more than the motorcycles though were the pimped out cars, especially the chevy caprice’s with 20+ inch rims all over carrboro. speaking of which, i tried to get the carrboro tshirt at schoolkids and they didn’t have any.
i think if i was in charge, there’d be motorcycle drag races down west franklin in the late afternoon. and a competition for the most pimped out ride, with cash prizes. and there’d be a parking lot where people could line up to drive around in a pimped out impala with 24″ inch rims. you think i’m joking, but i’m totally serious.
i managed to get some polish sausage (i could have done better), some roasted corn, and some of jane’s ribbon potato chips. which is really what the festival is all about for me. there did seem to be a notable absense of nc bbq and smoked turkey legs, or anything ethnic except gyros. in fact i think that’s pretty much all there was to eat. gyros. and sausage. ehh.
Old news from Chapel Hill: Apple Chill killed (end of an era).