hanging rock state park
this weekend jane and i had nearly 7000 acres of hanging rock state park pretty much to ourselves. we hiked. we found a country-living-style bed and breakfast for the night. we feasted on baked spaghetti, fried chicken, and hushpuppies at duke’s family restaurant in walnut cove. we ate ham biscuits for breakfast. we hiked some more as it snowed.
and none of this was planned. we just headed out on a whim saturday morning and came back sunday evening.

Note: These photos originally appeared in my photo galleries.
this sounds much more peaceful than what we did, which was hit the mall hard both days. The most fruitful results: two lovely knives and a top ten list of what Britney Spears is “curious” about.
I’m in Raleigh until Jan. 1! Call me so we can hang out.