Waxing cheddar

Stephanie already documented “the making of” our first urban farmhouse cheddar (as she did most of the work) but I wanted to put up a few pics from the waxing.

Farmhouse cheddar before waxing
After one week of air-drying (smells like cheese!)
Waxing cheddar, before the first dip
About to dip
Waxing cheddar, during the first dip
Waxing cheddar, after the first dip
Nice coat
Farmhouse cheddar after waxing
Ready to age for 6-12 months in our cheese “cave”


simply great !!

i love the “woot” on the label!

Also, btw, all I am getting in Google ads are for “Niagra Falls.” Funny!

Hilariously all the ads I’m seeing (on this post) are for “Laser Hair Removal”. Oops.

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