new pitcher
mark hewitt’s winter kiln opening was this morning. traveled with jane, chloe, and christy in two cars down to pittsboro, which made for very spacious in-car dozing when we arrived just after 6am–the fifth and sixth cars in line. and it was cold. layers included long underwear, thick socks, long sleeve shirt, heavy sweatshirt, leather jacket, and gloves.
three openings in a row so far, we’re getting to be pros. christy even brought a campfire stove and made hot chocolate. i suggested bacon and eggs. actually sausage and eggs. maple and brown sugar breakfast sausage. mmm. maybe next time.
i tend to be interested in shapes first, glazes and finishes second. i couldn’t get enough of the canisters at the last two openings, discovered a beautiful little teapot in august, this time i was looking for a pitcher. and found one:

turns out there’s a decent number of mark hewitt’s pots up on ebay if you don’t envision yourself in pittsboro any time soon, but would like some traditional north carolina salt glazed pottery.
Out of curiousity, what do his pieces go for at the openings? I love this stuff, and we weren’t able to get nearly enough while we were there.
his pieces are more expensive than those of his two apprentices, whose work looks just as good as–if not sometime better than–his own.
pots by the apprentices average about $20/piece, maxing out around $40–though they do have some medium sized planters that were selling for $85. their pieces are smaller on average, consisting of small lidded pots, teapots, small vases, canisters, etc.
mark’s cups and mugs go for about $25. medium size vases for $45, large vases and pitchers for $200-300. super large (as in waist high) outdoor planters and decorative pots go for $4000-9000 or more. and of course there are lots in between.