did i just participate in homecoming?

we made it through an entire unc football game–homecoming no less–losing to arizona state in the last three seconds! when it comes to these sorts of things, i’m all about the stadium food, and being in the south, there ought to be some sort of barbeque. my favorite of course also happens to be north carolina’s favorite: pulled-pork barbeque sandwiches. yummy.

Niamh (pronounced: knee-of) and Eric cooked a fearsome chili and invited the lot of us over to a pre-game git-yer-drink-on-a-thon, complete with corn bread, a birthday crumb cake for kathleen, and dozens (it seemed) of airplane size nips to smuggle into kenan stadium.

continuing our mementoesque descent into past, jean and i managed, almost accidentally, to annihilate jackson/erica and betsy/jason, playing a fairly regulation game of trivial pursuit friday night. when i answered a question with the truly inspired “croissan’wich“, we zipped around the board slurping up pie pieces (as one might slurp up tea, the second most slurped beverage) while everyone stared slackjawed (as one is wont to stare) in a sort of defeated exasperation.

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