the oldest document on my computer

This is from January 1993, a hi-larious thank you note I wrote when I was 13.

Dear Aunt Betsey, Uncle Bob, and Whitney,

Thank you very much for the two Mensa Quiz Books. They are a good challenge and a lot of fun to try to figure out. So far I’ve only gotten a few, but I keep on trying.

I also thank you for the check, it was most generous of you. I hope to use it to purchase a game called F-15 Strike Eagle III. It is a flight simulator for the computer. The reason I like this game is because I can play it with a friend over the telephone lines using a device called a modem. If one of my friends gets the game, and also has a modem we could be flying and fighting in two different planes, no matter where in the world my friend is. He or she could be down the road or across the ocean, and I would be able to see his or her plane flying around chasing my plane as I try to blow his or her plane out of the sky.

Thank you for the Christmas presents you gave me. I love Links 386 Pro. It is one of the best computer games anyone can get. The graphics are so real it looks like you are watching T.V.. Mauna Kea was a great edition to the game. I can play in Hawaii which is really neat.

Thanks for the check as well. I hope to use it for the game above.

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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