Tech Archives, page 42

All things technology. Very popular here on Justinsomnia.

why am i trying so hard to use microsoft word intelligently!?

why can’t i start the automatic numbering for a caption (figure 1, figure 2) at an arbitrary number i decide?

why can’t i set the first page of my document to have a different top margin that all the rest of the pages? (see the infuriating V.1.d)

do i want the sections of my document to be numbered, thus making them chapters and invoking the wrath of V.1.d, but allowing my dumb as bricks captions to restart at 1 for each “chapter”?

holy crap, i’m totally distracted

by the fact that my wireless access point (Linksys BEFW11S4v2) keeps dropping it’s signal, requiring me to *frequently* get up and unplug it and replug it. i’ve called tech support, i’ve reflashed the firmware (same version), i’ve changed the channel from 6 to 11 to 9. and it keeps happening. started about two weeks ago. i’m wondering if the folks next door have a new portable phone or something. it’s not like i /need/ it for what i’m doing right now (my freaking master’s paper!!!), but it sure is distracting for half a webpage to load and then suddenly, 0% signal, meanwhile the little devil is sitting 10 feet away from me blinking cheerfully.

and it only happens in the middle of downloading a webpage never during the hours between when i’m pulling my hair out trying to explain my project’s “background.” i’m going to weaver street. maybe i’ll be less distracted there.

i can’t believe i write this stuff like it’s no big thing

for the non-sql-acquainted: there’s nothing to see here, move along, move along…

this is an actual query (hand-generated) from my financial-database-cum-master’s-project:

SELECT o.obligation_id, 
o2.obligation_amount as allocable_amount,
FROM obligation o 
LEFT JOIN obligation o2 	ON o2.parent_obligation_id = o.obligation_id
LEFT JOIN project_year p	ON o.project_year_id = p.project_year_id
LEFT JOIN fund f	ON o.fund_id=f.fund_id
LEFT JOIN fund_type ft	ON f.fund_type_id = ft.fund_type_id
LEFT JOIN objective obj	ON f.objective_id = obj.objective_id
LEFT JOIN region r	ON f.region_id = r.region_id
LEFT JOIN earmark e	ON f.earmark_id = e.earmark_id
WHERE ft.fund_type_id <> 4
ORDER BY o.project_year_id, ft.fund_type_id, obj.objective_id, r.region_name, o.obligation_amount

i discovered a new HTML tag: LABEL !!!

i’ve been building all these html form-based user interfaces for my master’s project, and i’ve been using radio buttons for data entry, except they’re so small that they end up violating Fitts’ Law in a major way. usually you can click a radio button’s label to select it, but there didn’t seem to be a way to attach a label to a radio button. until, that is, i discovered the LABEL tag!!!

for example, this HTML code:

<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=a VALUE=1>radio1
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=a VALUE=2>radio2

produces this:


labels aren’t clickable…

but this html code:

<LABEL FOR=r1>radio1</LABEL>
<LABEL FOR=r2>radio2</LABEL>

produces this:

try clicking on the label to select one of the radio buttons.

(sidenote: IE requires use of FOR=idref to explicitly connect labels and controls. with Mozilla, you can just surround the control and label text with the label tags. god i like mozilla.)

time for bed!

Cory’s notes from the ETCON talk: Google is Harder Than it Looks

even cooler (i think) are his notes from Life Hacks: Tech Secrets of Overprolific Alpha Geeks (just check out the description of this guy’s talk)

the last real comment Cory took struck me:

“Making stuff public is like having your parents come to stay — you clean everything up.”

i wonder if that’s the logic behind this? i’m really not trying to show off, and i don’t expect anyone to read it, but the notion of keeping a public record does behoove me to regularly update it, to make spelling and grammatical corrections, to add bullets of things i forgot to note, but seem important in retrospect.