change is afoot

if you’re reading this, then you realize that i’ve moved my blog onto a webserver in my living room. my unc web space is now essentially an html business card, inspired by anton’s recent post. the liberal use of tilde inspired by rebecky.

grilled hot dogs and burgers this evening, discovered that you can open a can of chili and sit it right on the grill if you want chili for your hot dogs. the kids played tennis and swam, i enjoyed not worrying about nothing. after a little tennis to compensate (yeah right) for mass quantities of chili dogs consumed, i traveled to raleigh to check out jackie and ryan’s new house/apartment and to celebrate their recent marriage.

had a nice time chatting and touring the neighborhood, looking forward to coming back some weekend night to take advantage of their south glenwood nightlife just a block away.

came back to chapel hill, brought recently under the weather jane some ginger ale. now i’m here, at home, in bed, typing this. the narrative has caught up with the present. good night.



Congratulations to Jackie and Ryan.


Also mucho congrats on the new site, it’s most excellent, but then again, it looks exactly the same.

i was kind of torn about whether i should create a whole new look for the blog (to express the change visually) which led me to think about whether i should manage the blog with a new blogging platform like wordpress or even roll my own now that i can configure my server to have pretty much anything i want (php, mysql, web_dav, etc.)

turns out just moving it over was a task in and of itself. i figure i’ll tweak the style and/or play with wordpress at some later date.

next project is moving my photo gallery over from unfortunately sluggish ibiblio.

update: my photo gallery is now hosted on, and more integrated style-wise (though still sort of clumsy).

how much has all of this set you back? it seems quite expensive, but that’s just me.

the computer parts cost me $500 and the domain name is $9/year. other than time, that’s all i’ve spent so far.

i guess that’s not to bad, but i’ve never built my own server before so i have nothing to compare it with. tell jane i said hi and that i hope library science is treating her well. later.

what? jackie and ryan got married?!?

yep. last week. marriage certificate, black and white photos and everything.

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