Tahoe ski weekend

Went skiing for the first time in Tahoe last weekend, and my second time ever. Had a little trouble getting there—on Friday night Caltrans closed I-80 at Colfax—but we adapted and found a hotel for the night before continuing on our way to Squaw Valley the next morning.

Squaw Valley sign
Squaw Valley sign

Spent Saturday afternoon trying to find my ski-legs, and then retreated to a rented house we shared with eight other loosely joined friends and acquaintances, including Tony and Visda. Much food was consumed, stories were told, until we finally collapsed, bellies full and muscles newly sore.

Squaw Valley slopes from the parking lot
Slopes from the parking lot

The weather was much better on Sunday, and we spent time enjoying both some easier and more challenging trails, including one that starts at the top of Emigrant Peak with views of Lake Tahoe in the distance. It felt a lot steeper in real life!

Panorama of Lake Tahoe from the top of Emigrant Peak (Squaw Valley)

Panorama of Lake Tahoe from the top of Emigrant Peak


nice panorama pic you got. there were great views on top of red dog as well but our iphone pics don’t show the gorgeousness.;-)

This is exactly what people told me …beatuifull views over the lake during skiing !


I wonder if they are going to change the name of the valley to something less racist.

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