What are “seagull trolls”?

People who fly into your blog and without knowing anything about it, sh*t all over it. Then they leave.

It’s funny, someone did that to me yesterday, but it happens so infrequently that it doesn’t really bother me. I delete the comment and get on with my life.


New comments are no longer accepted, so if you want to get in touch, send me an email.


Yeah, I saw it, and then poof it was gone

Certain of my posts get lodged in Google for unusual search queries, and they seem to be magnets for what I normally call “drive-by comments”. It’s funny, because this creates a self-propelling snowball effect, whereby Google reindexes the post with the new comment content, and it shows up in more random search results, causing more people to stop by and leave their 2 cents.

I’m not a proponent of disabling comments on my posts before a certain date (I’m a strong believer in fostering discussions across space and time, and I have pretty strong anti-spam defenses), but I think I may start going back to some of those “seagull troll” posts and closing comments.