Emending an esoteric Exif error

From November 2006 until June 2007 (coinciding with my use of Ubuntu’s Edgy Eft v6.10), there was a bug in the old photo importer (or in Gimp, I’m not sure which) that failed to set the Exif orientation tag to…

My first inflight blog post

The view from 35,000 feet, between SFO and JFK In a similar vein: How to update your blog from the middle of the ocean

My second inflight blog post

On the way home to San Francisco, taken shortly after takeoff The novelty of blogging from the sky just doesn’t get old.

Return to Land’s End

On Saturday, Stephanie and I treated ourselves to a hike along the Land’s End Coastal Trail. The last time we made it out there was five years ago—when the idea of traveling by container ship first occurred to me. It’s…

Container ships forever!

Container Ship Forever Stamp The USPS says in their press release that: The Container Ship stamp is based on an undated photograph of the R.J. Pfeiffer, a modern container ship launched in 1992 and operated by Matson Navigation Company. Container…