Our container ship voyage across the Atlantic written up in Neue Presse

One of the four passengers on our transatlantic container ship voyage was German journalist and radio personality, Björn Stack. Besides fulfilling his lifelong dream of traveling to the “new world” by boat (just like in the old days), he was also writing a newspaper article about the experience for the German press.

Björn Stack and Justin Watt in the Hanjin Palermo's engine room
Björn and Justin in the Hanjin Palermo’s engine room

He let us know that the article ran last Saturday, appearing on the front page of the Reise & Urlaub (Travel and Holiday) section of Hanover’s Neue Presse (and several other German papers). I haven’t found it online, but conveniently he sent us a PDF.

Hanover, Germany's Neue Presse, Reise und Urlaub (Travel and Holiday) from 14 January 2012

Here’s a close up, highlighting a paragraph that mentions us:

Close up of the article, Fahrstuhl fahren auf hoher See in Hanover, Germany's Neue Presse

It reads:

Dem amerikanischen Pärchen Sophie [sic] und Justin, beide Anfang 30, gefiel die Vorstellung, sich Zeit bei der Atlantiküberquerung zu lassen. Sie haben ihre Jobs gekündigt und sind ein Jahr um die Welt gereist. Bald sind sie wieder zu Hause in Texas, sie wollen die letzte Etappe ihrer Weltreise in Ruhe genießen. Eine Reise auf einem Frachtschiff ist der ideale Ort dafür; keine Hektik am Flughafen und kein Jetlag, die sechs Stunden Zeitverschiebung nach New York geschehen gemächlich: An jedem zweiten Tag wird die Borduhr eine Stunde zurückgestellt.

Or translated to English by Google (and cleaned up by me):

The American couple Stephanie and Justin, both in their early 30s, liked the idea, to allow time for the Atlantic crossing. They have resigned their jobs and are spending a year traveling around the world. Soon they are back home in Texas, so they want to enjoy the last leg of their journey around the world in peace. A trip on a cargo ship is the ideal place to do it, no hassle at the airport, and no jetlag, the six hours time difference to New York happened leisurely: on every other day the clock is changed by one hour.



thank you for your email justin ! ..i missed this blogging..sorry ;-)… fun- you’ve not been in germany..but you are IN german newspaper ;-)

way cool – so Stephanie’s name is “Sophie” in German? Or was it a mistake?

Claudine, I think it was a mistake.

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