One big engine

We are currently at 36° 23′ 30″ S 175° 35′ 45″ E, approaching Auckland, New Zealand

The chief engineer took us on a tour of the Cap Cleveland’s engine room after lunch today. We had to wear earplugs because it’s so loud, thus the tour consisted of a lot of pointing followed by mumbled, inaudible words. In most cases there was a label on the piece of equipment that described what it does, and we’d nod in partial comprehension.

The main engine is a Hyundai B&W 7 K 80 MC-C, comprised of seven cylinders that pump out a whopping 25,228 kW of energy (34,300HP). In addition to the main engine, there are also all the other mechanical subsystems of the ship, such as water production and treatment, sewage treatment, air-conditioning, generators for electricity, pipes, pumps, and valves, oh my!

The Cap Cleveland engine control room
Engine control room
Workbench in the Cap Cleveland engine room
The Cap Cleveland engine
The engine
The Cap Cleveland engine
Overhead view of the engine room
The driveshaft of the Cap Cleveland engine
The visible (and spinning!) and driveshaft


I love the tool bench and engine :)

Check this post out on Telstar Logistics for a sense of the scale: Tiny Truck Hauls Humongous Ship Engine

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